Unlock barriers to achieve your true potential.
Within each of us, there exists a powerful tool that, when activated, can aid our ability to sort through mountains of information that bombards us daily and make rational sense of it. It’s a high-speed, intuitive source of wisdom & clear perceptions that embraces and fosters both mental and emotional intelligence that works even in the midst of chaos.
This focused and practical program combines personalised coaching and a detailed practice plan to meet your personal objectives.
What you will gain:
- Re-engage with what is most important to you at work and at home
- Identify what blocks you from the effectiveness you want – physical, mental and emotional
- Uncover & disengage from the negative impact stress on your body and mind
- Get to know your Judges/Saboteurs, and learning how to befriend them
- Achieve focused clarity and sustain Peak Performance
- Listen and communicate more effectively – personally and professionally
“The program helped me connect with my inner heart and found my inner peace. It provided me valuable information, freed my biased assumptions, and improved my decision making”
Coherence for Performance
Within each of us, there exist a powerful tool, when intentionally activated, can aid our ability to sort through the mountains of information bombarding us daily and make rational sense of it. It’s a high speed, intuitive source of wisdom and clear perceptions that embraces and fosters both mental and emotional intelligence. This program is specifically designed to active this source of intelligence even in the midst of chaos.
This focused and practical program combines personalised coaching and a detailed practice plan to meet your personal objectives.
What you will gain:
- Re-engage with what is most important to you at work and at home
- Identify what blocks you from the effectiveness you want – mentally, emotionally and physically
- Uncover and disengage from the negative impact stress has on your body and mind
- Achieve focused clarity and sustain peak performance
- Listen and communicate more effectively – personally and professionally
- This focused and practical program combines personalised coaching and a detailed practice plan to meet your personal objectives.
“This program has helped me think clearer and become more efficient at work and at home. I don’t feel as overwhelmed by tasks as I have been in the past. I have started to feel a lot happier, and I am not nearly as tired and grumpy as before.”
Stress Relief that works!
In today’s stressful world, finding something that works to relieve stress and limit the impact stress has on your body is like finding a goldmine. This program shows you how your physiology can respond differently to stress and teaches you how to manage your reactions to stressful situations. Through your new, healthier response to stress, you will create a positive impact on your body and mind.
This focused and practical program combines personalised coaching and a detailed practice plan to meet your personal objectives.
What you will gain:
- Understand the relationship between emotions, stress, performance, and health
- The ability to recognise and disengage from the negative impact stress has on your body and mind
- The relationship between emotions, stress, and mind-body health
- Restored nervous system health and increased energy levels
- Ability to transform stress on demand, 24/7 – anytime, anywhere
- Improved mental clarity and problem-solving skills
“This program has allowed me to easily de-stress myself, even with all the challenges and opportunities that arise in everyday life. I can now respond to demands and priorities with more focus and feel more ready to make reasonable and thoughtful decisions.”
Increase Personal Endurance
Elevate your game whether it is a competitive sport or a personal challenge. By controlling your physiological response to stress and anxiety, you can learn how to quickly reach and sustain the zone of high performance. Through this program, you will gain an understanding of the relationship between emotions, stress, and performance.
This focused and practical program combines personalised coaching and a detailed practice plan to meet your personal objectives.
What you will learn:
- The relationship between emotions, stress, and performance
- How to disengage from the negative impact stress has on your play and how to use foundational HeartMath tools to transform stress
- Techniques to restore nervous system health, increase energy levels and improve your overall sense of well being
- How to access a winning attitude on demand
- How to improve mental clarity, make better decisions under fire and improve communication both on and off the field
“This program has enabled me to think clearer, stayed calm & focused, and make the right choices during moments of critical decision-making!”
” … discover your inner heart to live a healthier and fuller life …”